Alumni Association
Burgmann College Alumni Association (BCAA)
The Burgmann College Alumni Association was formally established on 1 October 2011 as part of Burgmann College Incorporated.
- To foster the interests of Burgmann College including the Burgmann Residents’ Association;
- Promoting friendship amongst Burgmann College Alumni;
- Facilitating connections between the College and its Alumni that recognise, celebrate and honour their Burgmann links, collegial traditions, culture and spirit;
- Advocating and promoting the Burgmann College residential experience;
- Supporting the College’s fundraising initiatives, including resident scholarships/bursaries and enhancements to College facilities and services;
- Providing career support for current residents and/or new graduates through networking opportunities, advice and/or mentoring, and other such initiatives;
- Working with the College Principal and relevant College personnel, facilitating where appropriate other such mutually beneficial activities and opportunities whereby Alumni can assist each other, current Burgmann residents, and the College.
All alumni of the College as defined in the Rules of Burgmann College Inc are members of the Association. Persons who have resided at College for less than the time specified in the Rules may be admitted as members by decision of the Committee.
All other members of convocation of the College are honorary members of the Association. Honorary members may participate in the Association as members including as Committee members though they may not vote in elections for the committee.
Members or honorary members may opt to terminate their membership.
The Association may
- make recommendations, provide advice or provide assistance to the Council, Board and College personnel relating to the Aims of the Association
- make nominations for appointment to the convocation positions on the Council of Burgmann College Inc
- effect communication amongst its members
Otherwise, the Association may only act under the direction of the Council or Board, though the Association’s Committee may make recommendations for such direction.
The Committee of the Association consists of:
- President
- Two vice-presidents
- President of the Burgmann Residents Association (ex officio)
- Burgmann College Principal (ex officio)
- Director of Advancement (ex officio)
- Up to nine additional Members.
The committee exercises the powers of the Association between general meetings and manages acts of the Association as directed by Council or Board and makes recommendations for such direction.
The Committee currently meets six times a year. Any member may participate in meetings of the Committee with the Committee’s agreement.
Click below to read about current BCAA Committee members or to download the Burgmann Alumni Association Constitution.
Patrons and Ambassadors
Ms Judy Middlebrook and The Hon Peter Garrett AM are patrons of the Association. All former Presidents of the Burgmann Residents' Association are Ambassadors of the Association.
For further information or to contact the Alumni Association please contact our Advancement Team.