Future Students FAQ
Can I apply for accommodation at Burgmann College directly?
Students wishing to apply for accommodation in any of the ANU halls and residences must submit an application through the ANU Accommodation portal, available via the ANU website. Burgmann College is unable to take applications directly.
What is the difference between an academic offer and an accommodation offer?
An Academic Offer is an offer of study from ANU Admissions. An accommodation offer is an offer of place in a residence/hall and it is sent by ANU Accommodation Services, who oversee all halls and colleges. All accommodation requests must go through ANU Accommodation Services and residents must be future or current students of the ANU.
When do I apply?
Application dates for both semesters are published on the University Accommodation website.
Does ANU guarantee accommodation?
If you are applying as a first-year student to the ANU, Accommodation Services offers you guaranteed accommodation. However, this does not mean a guarantee to your preferred residence. Please refer to the ANU website for further information.
I applied for Burgmann College through the ASA Early Entry but didn’t get in. Can I reapply?
ANU Accommodation offers a Change of Preference process once ASA offers are accepted. If you have an ASA offer, please read it carefully and follow the steps outlined. For queries, please contact ANU Accommodation.
If I apply for accommodation at Burgmann College and I am successful but decide to defer, will I automatically be given a place when I apply in future years?
Burgmann College seeks a diverse and integrative community and as such we review applications at each intake to ensure we maintain this standard. Applicants who are successful at one intake but defer must reapply to be considered.
I currently reside in another college but want to change to Burgmann?
If you are already a resident in an ANU college or hall, you will need to go through an inter-hall transfer round. Please contact ANU Accommodation Services who can let you know when the next transfer round will commence.
Does Burgmann College offer financial assistance?
Bursaries are available for both new residents and continuing residents. Scholarships are available for new residents at Burgmann College either undergraduate or postgraduate. Please refer to ‘Financial Assistance’ on our website which sets out details of assistance: click here for link.
What is the difference between a conditional and an unconditional offer from Burgmann College?
A 'conditional' offer is dependent upon your receiving an academic offer from the ANU. Burgmann College will offer you an unconditional contract once you have accepted an unconditional ANU offer of study.
How do I secure my offer from Burgmann College?
Securing your offer must be done online with a credit card, once done you will receive a Statement of Account and payment options.
What are my payment options for the remaining balance of account?
- One Semester by direct deposit or credit card (surcharges may apply)
- Fortnightly deduction by Paysmart
- We do not accept cash or cheques
Why does Burgmann College ask for documents in support of their application?
Burgmann College prides itself on its diverse and integrative community. The College seeks to give opportunities to regional as well as urban students, including a wide range of personal and academic preferences.
What do I write in my personal statement?
Burgmann would like to know about you and what you can bring to the Burgmann community.