Contact our team
Updating your contact information ensures you receive all notifications of news, reunions, social/professional networking opportunities and other benefits especially designed for Burgmann Alumni. Have you moved house? Changed your email address? Changed jobs? We would love to keep in touch and provide you with news from Burgmann and information that may be of interest.
Join us online
Join our online community to stay in touch with what is happening at Burgmann.
Alumni App
In December 2019, we announced the creation of the Burgmann Alumni App by fellow Burgie and Advanced Computing student Christopher Seidl, which provides a wonderful platform for Burgmann alumni to connect, share memories, and network socially and professionally. This is now up and running, and currently includes curated stories and experiences from the Burgmann community, an AI-powered address book to form new connections, and an open discussion forum. The app community is steadily growing, and we would love you to get involved.
To create your own Burgmann Alumni account, simply search for ‘Burg Alumni’ in the App Store or visit Burgmann Alumni Network via the button below for the web-based version. Please download our Alumni App Brochure below for more information.
Share your Story & News
Do you have an interesting story to share with the Burgmann alumni community? Moved overseas? Newly married? Had a baby? Made a significant contribution? We are always keen to hear from alumni to share your news with the extended alumni community.
Professional Engagement
The College is always on the look out for opportunities to engage the Burgmann alumni community with our current residents. The College hosts a number of professional engagement events including roundtables, lectures, Q&A sessions and many more. If you think you have something to offer, no matter how specific or unusual, your area of expertise might be the field that a resident is considering for a future career we would love to hear from you.
Lost Alumni
Our alumni are valued members of our community and we work hard to stay in contact with as many alumni as possible. Please click to our Lost Alumni page to update your information or help us contact others.
Burgmann Journal
Burgmann Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, annual publication of collected works of research, debate and opinion from residents and alumni of Burgmann College designed to engage and stimulate the wider community. Alumni are encouraged to submit and referee articles each year.
Burgmann Journal Issues from 2012 - current are available online.
For more information about Burgmann Journal or if you wish to be involved please contact us.