Burgmann Residents Association
Community Events and Support
The Burgmann’s Residents Association (BRA) is a resident led committee created to support residents living at Burgmann by fostering a sense of community, addressing concerns, and organising events that enhance the quality of life for all residents.
The role of BRA is two fold. On the one hand, it advocates and acts as a voice for resident issues and presents problems to the larger college administration team and on the other, it acts as a body that organises and provides residents with essential social, artistic and sporting events.
Burgmann is unique, in that it provides its residential committee with the opportunity to play an integral role in communicating resident interests to not only the Principal, but also the College Council and Board of Management. The President holds the opportunity to actively participate in the Board of Management and various college councils, serving as a pivotal representative for residents' interests.

BRA Committees
At the head of the BRA House Committee stands the Executive, composed of the President, two Vice-Presidents, the Treasurer and the Secretary. The rest of the committee comprises of four Sports Representatives and two Arts Representatives who are also members of the Inter-hall Sports Organisation (ISO) and Inter-hall Arts Committee (IAC) respectively. Their role is to facilitate Sports and Arts events with other on-campus residences to promote socialisation with other colleges in a manner that prioritises safety, respect and mutual enrichment.
BRA has a plethora of sub-committees operating within it run solely by residents. These subcommittes are a crucial part of Burgmann culture and the Sub-Com chairs host some of the most vital Burgmann social events and uphold critical elements of Burgmann culture. These events include Dawborn, which is an inter-Burg Snooker and Table Tennis competition and the Burgmann Play.