Make a donation
How to make a donation
There are many ways to donate to Burgmann. You can donate online via our donation forms, make a direct deposit into the College's bank account, or mail the College a cheque. Full details for these options are outlined below.
Your support will help to ensure that Burgmann will continue to provide its residents with a unique life-enhancing educational experience. All gifts over $2 to support the College's advancement are tax deductible within Australia.
To become involved in the ongoing development of Burgmann College please contact the Advancement Office by telephone +61 2 6125 2254 or use our contact form below.
Please click the button below to make an online donation using your credit or debit card.
By cheque made payable to ‘Burgmann College Incorporated’
PO Box 1345 ACTON, ACT 2601
Please include a note with your cheque to let us know where you would like your donation directed.
Direct deposit
BSB - 012950
Account Number - 837434521
Account Name - Burgmann College
Please contact us using the form below to let us know where you would like your donation directed.