A photograph of the Brisbane river with a city view by Marcus Ireland.

Brisbane Get-Together

A Brisbane event for Burgies!

We are delighted to offer an alumni and friends get-together at The Rose & Crown Pub, in the iconic South Bank precinct.

Saturday 2 August 4.00-7.00pm
Rose Terrace
The Rose & Crown
Southpoint, South Bank
275 Grey St, South Brisbane

You can choose to purchase a ticket for $30 to assist with catering costs, or register for a free ticket with our compliments. Drinks can be purchased at the bar.

We are thrilled about this opportunity for our alumni and friends to catch-up in person and we hope you can make it!

Please register your attendance as soon as possible and preferably by Saturday 19 July, 2025.

Scroll down to view the guest list and see who else is coming!

We would be grateful if you would encourage other Burgmann alumni & friends to come along and make the most of this opportunity to connect, see old friends and make new ones.

Hope to see you!

Click the yellow 'Register Now' button to secure your tickets.

T: +61 2 6125 2254
E: alumni@burgmann.anu.edu.au

Note: If we don't already have your details, registering for this event will add you to the mailing list of our Alumni & Friends Newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

2025 Guest List

  • Lachlan Moulds — BCAA Committee Member, Alumni (2020-2023)
  • Amelia Zaraftis — Director of Advancement

Banner photograph: Marcus Ireland, pexels.com