Rsz sally renouf 50th anniversary foundation stone event

Celebrating 50 years of Burgmann College

2021 marked the 50th birthday of Burgmann College, and we had a whole year of celebrations planned. While the pandemic required us to postpone our Back-to-Burg Weekend, our calendar was otherwise filled with special event enhancements and new occasions to mark the golden anniversary of our community—for residents, alumni, staff, volunteers, supporters and all friends of Burgmann College.

See photos from our 50th Anniversary events in 2021 below:

50th Anniversary Back-to-Burg Alumni Weekend, 19-21 August 2022

Save the date! Our 50th Anniversary Back-to-Burg Alumni Weekend will now be held on 19-21 August 2022. The weekend will be comprised of three days of festivities for alumni both near and far, with ample opportunity to reconnect with friends, colleagues and mentors. We are extremely grateful to the many alumni who have provided feedback on what they would like to see and do during this special weekend, as well as to the members of the Burgmann College Alumni Association Committee, other alumni volunteers, and current residents who are taking an active part in the planning and preparation.

To ensure you also receive the emailed registration link, please update your details via the website.

For our Alumni & Friends outside of Australia

We appreciate COVID has been keeping us apart and preventing you from fully enjoying the 50th celebrations! We want to assure you we will be planning activities for your virtual participation, with details to be publicised shortly. In the meantime, we hope you and your families are keeping safe.

Can you help us find our 'Lost Alumni'? Please help us reconnect with these former residents so we can invite them to the festivities!

Seeking Alumni Volunteers

Planning for the Back-to-Burg Weekend could not be achieved without the wonderful input of our Burgmann community—a team of alumni and current residents are working diligently to support the anniversary celebrations and make sure the experience is very special! But we are always keen to attract more hands.

If you would like to take a more active role in helping us mark this milestone—whether it's helping delve into memories and archives, tracking down lost alumni, or being a Demi-Decade Coordinator for your fellow residents—please contact the Burgmann College Advancement Office,

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Hmas wobco 1983 1
Memories of Burgmann

HMS WOBCO on loan to Burgmann College from alumna Judy Middlebrook

Foundation Resident Judy Middlebrook has loaned Burgmann College the HMS WOBCO, a gift to her late husband and fellow Foundation Resident, Neil Bessell, in recognition for 'steering the ship' of the Workers of Burgmann College (WOBCO) program.
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Kim Cunio credit ANU Media
College News

Newest Residential Fellow opens up world of music

Head of the ANU School of Music Associate Professor Kim Cunio is our newest Residential Fellow, joining our community in February 2021.
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