A mentorship with a senior manager at Geocon has translated into an exciting role with Canberra’s powerhouse property development company for Burgmann alumnus Callum Read (2016–2018).
Amongst other projects, the recent Bachelor of Commerce graduate is now working on Republic—the largest mixed-use residential precinct ever undertaken in ACT, including 1,200 apartments, Canberra’s first Woolworths Metro, a 152-room hotel, restaurants and retail outlets.
Callum credits the Burgmann Alumni and Friends Mentoring (BAM) Program for bringing him this valuable opportunity. 'I was fortunate to be paired with senior manager Peter Micalos at Geocon as a BAM Mentor in 2018,' Callum said.
'After our initial meeting, I kept in touch and secured an internship at the start of 2019. This eventually led to a part-time role once uni came back, and full-time once I had graduated.
'Already, I’ve had the opportunity to work on a broad range of projects at Geocon—in particular, the Republic Precinct; the Midnight Braddon, which incorporates 230 apartments and a Marriott Hotel; the Garema Place Canberra City Luxury Hotel; and the 552-apartment Metropol in Reid.'
Originally from Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Callum completed his BCom in Finance and International Business at ANU in 2019.
As well as the social aspects of College life—'Bar nights, Burg Day and sports were all highlights'—Callum found Burgmann’s BAM program an ideal launchpad for bridging the transition from study to his professional career.
'BAM gave me a great opportunity to meet with someone experienced in the field I was interested in. Being able to have candid conversations and discuss the industry is an opportunity that was really valuable to me.'
He has found his employment experience with Geocon equally positive.
'The company really supports me to grow and develop further. Geocon is very supportive of the community, as shown through their contribution to both Burgmann and the ANU Griffins [ANU Australian Football Club].'
Burgmann’s BAM Program was first piloted in 2013 and has grown steadily with great success, now pairing around 100 alumni mentors with Burgmann residents. The program is designed to facilitate a smooth transition from one educational or career context to another, providing senior students with opportunities to learn about future career options and assist with their movement into their chosen professional fields.
'The BAM Program is delightful,' said Acting Principal Amelia Zaraftis. 'Alumni and friends of the College are paired with current residents and agree to catch up with them over coffee, or over Zoom, as 2020 would have it. Mentors share about their experience transitioning from university to employment and, more broadly, about their careers.
'It's one of the many ways our alumni and friends give back to College and support the next generation of Burgmann residents, not to mention it’s where the most wonderful College memories are shared. Every now and then, a connection blossoms into a career opportunity, as was the case with Callum and our friends at Geocon.'
If you would like to know more about participating in the BAM Program and supporting Burgmann residents, please email alumni@burgmann.anu.edu.au