Burgmann College WEB 98

Burgmann College and indigo foundation Equality Prizes

Burgmann College and the indigo foundation partnered in 2021 and have established two $1,000 prizes to be awarded annually on a continuing basis. The Equality Prize and the Emerging Leader Equality Prize are to be awarded to a resident or alumna/alumnus who have contributed significantly in any way to reducing inequality amongst people in any of its forms.

“indigo foundation is delighted to partner with Burgmann College and the BillBerry Blue Stocking Fund of the Greater Good Foundation to establish the Equality Prize. For over 20 years, indigo foundation has supported grassroots organisations in some of the most marginalised communities in the world to define and implement their development goals – be that getting children into school, improving health and livelihoods, empowering women and girls or strengthening culture. The prize lifts up the importance of learning about and taking action for equity and justice in the world."

Lyla Rogan, indigo foundation Chair

Click here for full details about the Equality Prize, including the nomination process, selection panel and the establishment of the prize

A nominee's contribution to reducing inequality could include relevant scholarship, promotion of equality, significant work including fundraising (paid or voluntary) for a relevant organisation, and in, but not limited to, any of the following areas:

  • International development
  • Equality and national taxation and transfer systems
  • Human rights in general including:
    • Gender or sexuality equal rights
    • Indigenous rights and development
    • Rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged workers and fair employment
    • Rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers and fair markets
    • Access to education
    • Access to health care

Nominations must be made by 31 August to the Principal, by email to: ea@burgmann.anu.edu.au

The $1,00 Equality Prize and the $1,00 Emerging Leader Equality Prize will be awarded at Valete.

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CR hi 11 2
BCAA Updates

BCAA President Update | Summer 2021

COVID-19, the most impactful pandemic in a century, continued to deliver surprises in Burgmann’s 50th year. Rather than last year’s shutdown, Burgmann residents went into lockdown at the College. So close to lecture halls and the Burgmann bar and yet so far away, residents studied in their rooms and exercised in pairs. Thankfully the Burgmann spirit shone through with online entertainment and COVID safe activities quickly established to keep the community sane and safe. And as soon the lockdown was lifted the BRA established surely the most tightly packed social calendar in Burgmann’s history; with the Burgmann Ball, Valete and Dawborn delivered in one week in November. I congratulate Isobel Kuo, BRA President and the entire Burgmann community for your resilience and classic Burgmann class over this unusual academic year.
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College Scholars

NFF President presents COVID delayed Hawker Scholarships to four Burgmann Residents

National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) President Ms Fiona Simson and the Governor of South Australia His Excellency the Honourable Hieu Van Le AC presented six Charles Hawker Scholars with scholarship certificates at separate COVID delayed ceremonies this week.
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