The role of a Gender & Sexuality Education Advocate (GSEA) at Burgmann is incredibly unique. As a GSEA, you are tasked with amplifying the opinions and views of residents at the college on all issues relating to gender expression, sexuality and culture.
I was inspired to run for the role after hearing Issy Barry, the 2022 Women’s Representative, share goals she wanted to achieve in the role. I was inspired by how much freedom one has to make the role their own. I get to bring what I am passionate about to the work GSEAs do; intersectionality, advocacy and dialogue. Likewise, working in a tight group of three, alongside the Men’s and Queer Representatives, excited me.
2023 has been abundant with highlights. Namely, my creation of Women*’s Chats, a weekly designated time for women* identifying or aligned residents at college to speak about what they are passionate about, addressing underlying issues in society or at Burgmann and reflecting on the latest pop culture trend. Moreover, the success of Culture Nights was an extremely rewarding experience for the team, only the second time the series of floor discussions around culture at college has run.

Yet, there have also been some challenges. Both Nights In and Culture Nights are seven nights each respectively of floor discussions. It can inevitably be emotionally draining and conversations may not go in the direction you want them to.
To reflect, 2023 has taught me the importance of prioritising quality over quantity. In some instances, it is so much more beneficial to have a candid and meaningful conversation once a week rather than running a big event. Any connection built with a resident is a win!
Looking forward to the last term of 2023, I hope to continue Women*’s Chats, strengthen more relationships with first-year residents, provide my best support for Josh and Hugh in their portfolios and lastly, soon pass the torch to next year’s Women*’s Representative.
Note: Womens* refers to women, femme-aligned and non-binary.