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BCAA President Update | Winter 2023

Over the last few years, Burgmann alumni have given us consistent feedback: they like that the College is providing more updates via emails, newsletters and online, and they like to know that Burgmann is continuing to be a successful and happy place to live. However, most importantly, Team Burgmann wants new opportunities to catch up with their Burgmann mates!

This is understandable. During our time at Burgmann we worked, lived and played with around 300 people, just about 24/7. A breadth of strong friendships formed that set you up for the years ahead. Afterwards, we may forge new paths, travel the world, or get caught up in our careers and our families. However, despite the years away from Burgmann, bonds endure and it’s great to chat with old friends.

COVID made social events tricky, but as soon as the shackles were lifted in 2022 we kicked off alumni events in Canberra, Sydney, and Melbourne. Sure, there was a little post-isolation trepidation, but as soon as we caught sight of friends we hadn't seen for yonks we got into the swing of it and realised that human interaction is awesome! The belated 50th birthday celebrations at last year’s Back-to-Burg Weekend were also a success, with decades of ex-ressies coming together to (among other things) exalt St Beryl and her leaping nuns and to pretend that we danced to Blue Monday on a regular basis.

In 2023, things have gotten bigger and better. So far, we've had successful Canberra, Melbourne and Sydney events. In Melbourne, we were at our sartorial best at the appropriately named Father’s Office Speakeasy Bar. In Sydney, we integrated the Vivid light show into our event as we gazed down from the State Library rooftop bar. Both events had alumni across the decades and what was really pleasing was that a number of eras used the event to organise a big catch-up with their cohort. Special thanks to Bob Wheeldon for encouraging a large contingent of late 1980's residents to catch up at the Sydney event.

The annual Back-to-Burg Weekend in August is the pinnacle Burgmann alumni event. The 2023 program can be found here. Back-to-Burg is an excellent opportunity to chat with a few friends and have a great weekend.

For Canberra residents, we encourage you to drop by on Saturday afternoon or at Luigi’s Sunday morning just to say hi. We’d love to see you!

We intend to keep making these get-togethers annual events, so keep an eye out for the next event in your area and mark them down in your diaries…

See more photos from the 2023 Sydney and Melbourne Alumni & Friends Get-Togethers

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Matthew Lobb, Geoff Martin, Chris Faddy and Edwina Ekins at the 2023 Sydney Alumni Get-Together
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Kate Pereira, Fiona Nixon and Amelia Zaraftis at the 2023 Melbourne Alumni Get-Together
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Attendees at the 2023 Melbourne Alumni Get-Together
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