Speech by Oliver Byrne, President, Burgmann Residents’ Association (BRA), on the occasion of Move-In Day, Saturday 4 February 2023
Hello and welcome. My name is Oliver Byrne and I have the privilege to be the 2023 President of the Burgmann Resident’s Association, also known as BRA.
I remember when I was sitting here on my first day feeling nervous, excited, confused, curious, and a whole other range of emotions. I suspect that these are resonating strongly with you as well as your parents. So, I want to reassure everyone that you are in safe hands. We were all in your position a year or two ago and so we understand how you feel.

College is daunting. It’s hectic, it’s fun, and it’s eye-opening. It is home. And that’s where we come in. BRA exists to help and support you and, most importantly, we’re here to make sure that this year is one like no other. Through the highs and the lows, we and the whole community will be there to hold your hand (and potentially your hair).
BRA runs events. In fact, we facilitate so many sports and arts activities that you’ll have to use a calendar to keep track of them all! We have a Greens Committee, a Diversity Committee, even a Vending Machine Committee—you name it and we have it. BRA also has an Executive and a House Committee, and there are ways early on that first years can be involved if they want to be. Our doors also have physical bras on them (so don’t worry parents, that’s why those are there).
I really encourage you all to get involved as much as you can. Talk to any current resident and they’ll tell you that the best way to meet people and make friends is to come play sport, sing in an open mic night, or simply participate fully in O-Week. And don’t worry if you make a mistake or forget someone’s name, you will be fine and we have all been there.
So, why should you be excited about sitting here on this brisk, windy February afternoon? Well, the answer’s actually all around you. The people at Burg make it special.
It would be an oversimplification to say that everyone will be your best friend, but the phrase ‘someone for everyone’ has never rung truer than at this place. And, speaking from my own experience, don’t worry if you don’t meet your people in the first few days—many of my closest friends I made in my second year.
There’s great strength and a wealth of life experiences to be gained from your fellow residents and, if you’re anything like me, you’ll find yourself growing a lot as a person after a very short time.
We also have a very informative N-Week schedule followed by a very fun O-Week schedule. Information about this will be given out in the coming days, so don’t fret if you feel a little unsure about what’s about to happen. Everyone behind me has been working very hard to make sure that your entrance to College is as easy and fun as possible.
I would like to finish with a few details about myself, which I decided to save until after the important stuff. As I said, my name’s Oliver, but call me Oli. I’ve been here two years so far and I’m a law/ppe student from Sydney. I love playing touch, basketball, rugby disc and many other sports I’m not terribly good at. If I’m not doing that, I’ll probably be procrastinating in the GP room or grabbing a drink after a 15 min gym ‘workout”’. I also apologise for being a Burgmann stereotype, but I beg you don’t hold that against me and I can’t wait to meet all of you in the coming days and weeks.
We’re now going to have the different portfolios introduce themselves. Each leadership holder will say only two words of advice to save us all being here until Monday when the parking inspectors show up.
My two words will be welcome home.
Thanks for listening, have a great afternoon, and welcome to Burgmann College.