The Burgmann community continues to look to the future in two key ways. Firstly, we’re making important improvements to Burgmann’s buildings and grounds. This month works have (finally) commenced on an upgrade to the much loved ‘backyard’ of Burgmann. This will establish a better link between the undergraduate building and the back garden, and includes a new courtyard, new seating, landscaping and the construction of a BBQ that actually works! I am most excited by the creation of an exit from the bar to the courtyard.
Finally, the longstanding, somewhat-hazardous bar night exit-via-the-window-off-of-the ledge manoeuvre is but a memory of yesteryear’s safety standards. This building work has been made possible through generous contributions of college alumni and residents.
Secondly, to sustain college diversity and improve access to the Burgmann experience we have made significant progress in building up our bursary funds, allowing us to extend support to more residents. This year we have launched a campaign to establish The Harriet Nixon Scholarship to provide assistance to students from rural, regional, or remote Australia to live and study at Burgmann. This is an important recognition of the essential contribution that regional Australia has made to establishing Burgmann as a great place to be.
Regional students from around Australia like Coober Peedy, Shepparton, Katherine, Devonport, Nambour, Dubbo, Orange, and thousands more are a vital part of Burgmann’s essential fabric, traditions, tall tales and sporting triumphs. Burgmann is often the place where young city and country folk first get to know each other and become life-long friends.
Harriet Nixon, a proud ‘country girl’ from the Southern Highlands of NSW, was part of this fine tradition and had embraced the friendships and opportunities that Burgmann provides. In 2016, Harriet had been working at a music festival when she lost her life in tragic circumstances. In establishing this Scholarship we celebrate Harriet’s life and the special connection that Harriet and her family have with the College community. Find out more about the Appeal here.
Alumni social gatherings continue through the year, with successful events already taken place in Sydney, Canberra, and London, with Singapore and Melbourne to take place later this year.
There is, of course, Back-to-Burg Weekend over 7–8 September, where we will celebrate the Burgmann Alumni Awards to properly recognise our successes locally, nationally and internationally. The four awards are:
Distinguished Alumni Award: for alumni aged 35+,
- Outstanding Alumni Award: for alumni under age 35
- Alumni Volunteer Award, for outstanding contribution of a volunteer of Burgmann
- Staff Recognition Award, recognising the dedicated service or outstanding contribution of any Burgmann College staff.
If you’re proud of a Burgmann Alumnus, don’t forget to nominate before 30 June 2024!