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Burgmann earns top recognition as Gold Level Skilled Workplace in Mental Health

Mental Health First Aid Australia recognised Burgmann College as a Gold Level Skilled Workplace in Mental Health. Deputy Principal Amelia Zaraftis is a qualified trainer who runs the Mental Health First Aid course for almost all our staff. Upskilling staff and residents in the provision of mental health first aid is essential to Burgmann College as we recognise the prevalence of mental health issues and the importance of early intervention.

In addition to our staff award, each year Burgmann College trains all of its Residential Advisors, College Officers and Community Coordinator, a total of 24 residents, in Youth Mental Health First Aid. We have a pastoral care ratio of 1 Residential Advisor to 13 residents in the Village and 1 Residential Advisor to 18 residents in the Undergraduate area, along with our three College Officers.

Congratulations to our Burgmann team on their recognition for their hard work, and our special gratitude to Deputy Principal Amelia Zaraftis.

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College News

Burgmann Journal 2016 now available

The 2016 edition of the Burgmann Journal takes a more artistic turn than previous years, with an expanded Visual Arts section and a new Creative Writing section. The Journal’s Research and Opinion sections are as thought-provoking as ever, with articles on a diverse range of topics, from Accounting to Art History.
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Alumni News

Principal Sally Renouf admitted as a lawyer

On 19 August 2016, our Principal, Ms Sally Renouf, was formally admitted to the Supreme Court of the ACT as a lawyer, having completed her Juris Doctor in 2013.
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