By Anaina Langrana, 2024 Burgmann Residents Association (BRA) President
Looking back at this past semester at Burgmann, a plethora of words come to mind to describe the experience, but none seem to capture it quite as accurately as the word ‘chaotic’.
As BRA president, I have the honour of working behind the scenes when it comes to all things social events, sport and art victories, new big-picture College opportunities and ensuring that all residents at College don’t just find Burg to be a place where they reside, but instead a place where they can thrive. It is for this reason that I believe I am well-suited to provide a recap as to just how chaotic this semester has been!
From our Orientation week with the theme 'Burg takes Hollywood’, where new residents integrated with returners at events such as ‘Studio 54 Night’ and ‘Burgolympics’, to the return of some of our classic events and traditions through the course of the year, like Burg Day, we did it all.
The BRA VPs hosted an ‘Iconic Duos Night: A Valentine’s Affair’, where ressies were assigned a partner and had to dress up as an iconic duo. People went as Taylor Swift and Kanye West, Barbie and Ken, Batman and Robin, and two ressies even went as Former Principal Sally Renouf and her husband, Brodie Buckland!
Burgmann also witnessed many victories in the Sports and Arts departments. Coming first in Big Night Out (battle of the college bands), which is arguably the biggest interhall competition at the ANU, coupled with placing first in ISO Badminton and Tennis and second in Disc, made our college a force to be reckoned with through the course of the semester. These victories position us at a comfortable second place overall for both the ISO (Interhall Sports Organisation) and IAC (Interhall Arts Committee) shields.
Our VPs worked tirelessly on organising a Family Weekend Gala Dinner where residents’ parents made the trek to Canberra to receive a glimpse into what college life on campus is like for their children. The three-course dinner at the QT Hotel, followed by our victorious BNO band performing, made the night one to remember!
Finally, in terms of big-picture occurrences, the College has begun construction on the much-awaited courtyard in our back lawn, which will provide residents with a seating area to soak up the sunlight on a day-to-day basis and allow for a well-furnished area to organise outdoor events on special occasions.
Evidently, all in all, this semester was as thrilling as you would expect from a College with as much culture, opportunity and vibrance as Burgmann has! It is hard to believe, but I have no doubt that the next semester will find a way to top even this one and I look forward to it greatly!
Anaina Langrana
2024 BRA President